Site Loader
Dedicated IP

Dedicated Hosting IP

Build your business on its own unique IP address. FTP Account Access Accepts SSL Certificate…

₹ 259.00 / per month

WordPress Ecommerce

Get a full-featured online store with fast, simple setup. 1 website Unlimited storage Unlimited visits…

₹ 2,469.00 / per month

WordPress Developer

Up to 5 sites and packed with pro features. 5 websites 50 GB SSD storage…

₹ 2,069.00 / per month

WordPress Pro

Up to 25 sites and packed with pro features. 25 websites 250 GB storage 5,000,000…

₹ 5,779.09 / per month

WordPress Ultimate

Add online marketing with more sites, storage and security. 1-2 websites Unlimited storage Unlimited visits…

₹ 1,489.00 / per month

WordPress Deluxe

Get more visitors with an SEO wizard. 1 website 75 GB storage Ideal for up…

₹ 1,309.00 / per month

VPS Windows Deluxe

Pro features put you in control. Storage: 120 GB* 4 GB RAM Bandwidth: Unlimited Keep…

₹ 5,437.92₹ 2,873.55 / per month

VPS Windows Economy

Pro features put you in control. Storage: 40 GB* 2 GB RAM Bandwidth: Unlimited Keep…

₹ 2,717.92₹ 1,995.24 / per month

VPS Windows Value

Pro features put you in control. Storage: 90 GB* 3 GB RAM Bandwidth: Unlimited Keep…

₹ 4,077.92₹ 2,632.60 / per month

VPS Linux Ultimate

Pro features put you in control. Storage: 240 GB* 8 GB RAM Bandwidth: Unlimited Feel…

₹ 9,518.92₹ 2,940.99 / per month